Economy News
Manufacturing employment creation picked up in FY23, says NSO survey

Employment generation in India’s manufacturing sector saw a notable uptick in FY23, with 1.3 million new jobs created, compared to 1.1 million in FY22, showed the latest data from the National Statistical Organisation (NSO). According to the figures, released in the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) on Monday, total number of people employed in the manufacturing sector rose by 7.4 per cent in FY23, reaching 18.5 million, compared to a 7 per cent increase in FY22. This came on the back of strong growth in the sector’s gross value added (GVA), which rose by 7.3 per cent at current prices to Rs 21.97 trillion. Total industrial output, in value terms, also surged by 21.5 per cent to Rs 144.86 trillion during the period under review.

News Source:- https://www.business-standard.com/economy/news/manufacturing-employment-creation-picked-up-in-fy23-says-nso-survey-124093001331_1.html