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Economy News
Russia's inflation fight may be lost in the mud of a vegetable plot

Attempts by Russia's central bank to bring inflation to a post-Soviet low of 4 percent this year may come down to the price of vegetables.Heavy rain and cold weather have hammered crops, sending up prices. The impact on inflation won't be known, agriculture specialists say, until autumn when it becomes clear whether production was reduced or only delayed by the weather."Not a single tractor is able to get to a field. Our agronomist lost his boots in the mud," Pavel Grudinin, head of a 2,000-hectare farm just outside Moscow told Reuters.During its 99-year history, his Lenin State Farm, which produces vegetables, fruit and strawberries, has been through a lot but this year is especially difficult for vegetables sown on 200 hectares in April-June.

News Source:- http://in.reuters.com/article/russia-inflation-vegetables-idINKBN1A51IW