Economy News
US sanctions on Russian oil: No supply threat for India, but costs may rise

The latest US sanctions on Russia do not only pose a threat to India’s crude oil supply but may result in higher cost of the landed crude oil for Indian refiners as they diversify their crude sourcing, likely at a premium to the landed price of Russian crude arriving into India, analysts and industry experts say. As much as 14% of India’s import of Russian crude is likely to be affected owing to the new sanctions. Additionally, analysts believe that tightening fleet capacity is also likely to increase freight costs “A reduction of crude volume from Russia would mean the need for replacement barrels from other regions, including the Middle East, Africa and US.

News Source:- https://www.financialexpress.com/policy/economy-us-sanctions-on-russian-oil-no-supply-threat-for-india-but-costs-may-rise-3715202/