Economy News
India on track to become third-largest economy by 2028: IEA projection

India will over the next decade add more than 12,000 cars a day, expand built space equivalent to the built space in South Africa, and its air-conditioners will consume more electricity than entire power consumption in Mexico, the IEA said. It is likely to see a rise in demand for all forms of energy -- from oil and gas to coal, electricity and renewable energy -- through 2035, making it the growth engine for energy demand globally, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in its World Energy Outlook 2024. India, the world's third largest oil consuming and importing nation, will see its demand for oil rise by almost 2 million barrels per day by 2035 and become the main source of oil demand growth in the world.

News Source:- https://www.business-standard.com/industry/news/india-to-add-12k-cars-a-day-acs-power-consumption-to-increase-heavily-iea-124101600807_1.html