Economy News
Facing an economic crisis, is the UK turning into an emerging market?

Following British Prime Minister Liz Truss’s “mini-budget”— a mishmash of policies ranging from Reaganomics-style tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy to an old-style socialist cap on energy prices — commentators have reacted with increasingly florid hyperbole. Many now wonder whether the United Kingdom is coming to resemble less an advanced economy than a wayward emerging market. True, financial markets have sent the pound spinning to its lowest level ever (against the dollar), with no bottom in sight. The pound’s reserve-currency status, the last remaining vestige of Britain’s once-vaunted position at the centre of the international monetary system, is being called into question. While talk of an outright UK default is overblown, it is not unreasonable to anticipate a painful reckoning just short of that outcome.

News Source:- https://www.business-standard.com/article/opinion/britain-is-not-an-emerging-market-yet-122100200845_1.html