Economy News
Q4 GDP growth to be a little lower than expected earlier: Aditi Nayar

Inflation is becoming a real worry and it is a global phenomenon. In the Indian context, 5.59% was the CPI for December and it is still masking the real inflation or what a full pass through of crude prices would mean for consumers. How worried do you think policymakers should be right now? Crude oil prices globally have run ahead of demand at this point in time. Yes, Omicron is less of a worry but in the immediate term, we will see a fall in mobility but we do not expect to see a fall in economic activity and that is what our expectation is as well. We expect the Q4 GDP growth to be a little bit lower than what we thought. We are looking at a modest downside to our forecast of 9% GDP growth in FY22 with the impact of Omicron likely to be limited within this quarter and not really spilling over into FY23.

News Source:- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/expert-view/q4-gdp-growth-to-be-a-little-lower-than-expected-earlier-aditi-nayar/articleshow/88987993.cms