Corporate News
UK creates new digital regulator to impose code of conduct on tech giants

Global tech giants will be subject to a new regime under the UK's Digital Markets Unit to give people more choice and control over their data and to ensure news outlets are not forced out by their bigger rivals, the government announced on Friday. The new unit, which will be set up within the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), will work alongside existing bodies such as broadcasting regulator the Office of Communications (Ofcom) and the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) to introduce and enforce a new code to govern the behaviour of platforms that currently dominate the market, such as Google and Facebook.

News Source:- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/business/uk-creates-new-digital-regulator-to-impose-code-of-conduct-on-tech-giants/articleshow/79450841.cms?utm_source=ETTopNews&utm_medium=HP&utm_campaign=TN&utm_content=23