Economy News
WTO sets up dispute panel on India’s import duties on ICT products

The World Trade Organization (WTO) on Monday agreed to a second request from the EU to establish an adjudication panel over India’s customs duties on imports of certain information and communications technology (ICT) products, including mobile phones, taking the dispute up a notch. However, New Delhi blocked the complaints by Japan and Chinese Taipei to setup panels. While the EU asked India to agree to establish a single panel to review the three complaints, India said it was disappointed with the EU request. Since India had blocked the EU’s request for a panel in February, it can’t do so a second time as per WTO rules.

News Source:- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/foreign-trade/wto-sets-up-dispute-panel-on-indias-import-duties-on-ict-products/articleshow/76694198.cms